Manning’s roughness coefficient (n) has been widely used to estimate flood discharges and flow depths in natural channels. Therefore, although extensive guidelines are available, the selection of the appropriate n value is of great importance to hydraulic engineers and hydrologists. Generally, the largest source of error in post-flood estimates is caused by the estimation of n values, particularly when there has been minimal field verification of flow resistance. This emphasizes the need to improve methods for evaluating the roughness coefficients. Trinidad and Tobago currently does not have any set method or standardised procedure that they use to determine the n value. Therefore, the objective of this study was to develop a soft computing model in the calculation of the roughness coefficient values using low flow discharge measurements for a stream. This study presents Gene-Expression Programming (GEP), as an improved approach to compute Manning’s Roughness Coefficient. The GEP model was found to be accurate, producing a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.94 and Root Mean Square Error (RSME) of 0.0024.
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