While there are all necessary natural and anthropogenic values for the development of recreational fishing, the observed space Rajova (Rajovic) River is not yet able to meet the demands of modern sports - recreational demand. The largest obstacle to the development of recreational fishing in the observed area represents irrepressible low- quality fishing water that is less able to meet and maintain higher fish populations. On the other hand, recreational anglers of active age are increasingly burdened with professional and work obligations, so they must fight for their daily survival, and existence, which for this type of sport has less time. Promising exit of Rajova (Rajovic) River on sports and the recreational market will require a new approach in the use of basic instruments business and tourism policies through improving management, the establishment of regular monitoring of resources and habitat conservation brown trout, adjustment of fishing capacity with fishing pressure water, the introduction of mandatory adequate records of catches in the sport - recreational and commercial fishing, the introduction more rigorous control measures of hunting and punishing of poaching, popularization of sport - recreational fishing in the context of sustainable use. Previous experiences in countries of Western Europe have shown that investing in the development of recreational fishing contributes to improving the overall quality of sports-recreational tourism. Therefore, the design possibilities for a different approach in the development of recreational fishing on the Rajova River, seem to us much needed.
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