In systems engineering, the analysis of the water resources system must take into account and combine the typologies of the relationships between uses, often conflicting, as well as the joint concept of water and territory, which cannot be dissociated from the hydrographic basin entity. The systemic concept revolves around the notions of organization, interdependence, prioritization, coordination and integration. This article focuses on the water resource system of Tafna, located in northwest Algeria, which is composed of several interactive subsystems in terms of resource uses (surface water, groundwater, desalination, purification, etc.). The committed analysis, based on systemic explorations, integrated the needs, requirements and constraints of the system. The responsibilities and implications of the actors and stakeholders related to the scales of planning and strategic decisions were also defined by the production of a consultation matrix between the actors. The integration of all these physical and functional elements in permanent interaction represents a real challenge for the analysis of the complex system. Depending on these objectives, the performance of the system was analyzed with the production of indicators related to the singular or combined influence of desalination yields, wastewater reuse rates, industrial water recycling and the effect of climate change on underground and surface reserves. All these connected parameters were used to assess trends in the evolution of water resources according to needs. The influence of these trends was then compared to the national land-use plan guidelines projected for 2030 and based on a spatial distribution by planning area. Finally, the balance of the system, at the scale of the hydrographic entity, was studied through the proposal of efficiency actions encompassing uses and users. The study led to the proposal for efficiency action to anticipate water deficits in the system. It has also been clarified that sectoral organization is not compatible with the multifunctional nature of water. Reused wastewater and the recycling of industrial water contribute to the water balance of the system. According to the water balances drawn up, desalination is a very strategic vector in terms of meeting needs
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