The optimum use of water requires an effective water supply management system that is smart enough to measure the flow rate, estimate consumption, estimate stored water, detect defects in the pipeline, automate actuators, measure water quality and produce details for the end user. Real-time implementation of such a water supply system requires a range of sensors with low power consumption and longer life with accuracy. Recent emerging sensors for water quality (WQ) and flow rate have been discussed in detail. The real-time adaptability of these sensors in water supply management systems has been discussed. Based on these sensor technologies, possible advancements have been proposed for the future. The emerging capability to improve sensor performance by image processing and computer vision-based methods has been discussed. Integration of computer vision with sensors can improve sensor capability. The IoT is an emerging technology capable of connecting end users to the access quality of water resources, monitoring flow and daily consumption. A futuristic model has been proposed based on computer vision technology integrated with IoT.
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