This paper presents, for the first time to our knowledge, some physicochemical characteristics (pH, soluble solids content (TDS, in mg/L), electrical conductivity (EC, in µS/cm), and turbidity (in NTU) of seven types of spring waters (AO, IK, TB, TNZ, TT, TZD and TZF) and well water (AZG) from the Tizi-Ouzou region. pH, TDS and EC were measured by direct reading using hand-held probes, while other characteristics, including turbidity, were determined at a certified quality control laboratory. The results show that pH, TDS and EC varied from 4.4 (case of AO) to 9.0 (case of IK), from 68 (case of TZD) to 656 mg/L (case of TT) and from 109 (case of TZD) to 1316 µS/cm (case of TT). Except for TZF, which has intolerable turbidity (˃ 5 NTU), the other samples analyzed show excellent transparency with zero turbidity except for TZD (turbidity =1.52 NTU). Knowing the practical and possible health implications of these parameters, further studies are needed.
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