
The recovery of mud is the only way to solve the problem of silting up dams. At the beginning of the 1990s, we studied the recovery of mud from a dozen dams in construction and agricultural fields. In the case where the destination of the silt is known thanks to the chemical, physical and mineralogical analyses, the desiltation is carried out in a continuous way; in this case, we speak of sustainable desilting. This is what this paper discusses for the first time. Sustainable desilting consists of equipping the dam with one or more dredges that continuously remove silt. Once the mud is discharged and then stored in basins built upstream of the dam, the water returns to the reservoir. Once dried, the mud is transported to its place of use, but preferably in the agricultural field.


Dam, Siltation, Sustainable desilting, Valorisation of the silt, Hydraulic dredging.

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