The study of hydraulic jumps in compound rectangular channels has been the subject of several featured contributions. For hydrotechnical structures such as dams, this type of channel has been used in the design of energy dissipation basins to control the downstream flow discharge. In irrigation canals, this technique has presented a technical and economic advantage, especially in low-water periods where flow discharge has been widely exploited.
The main objective of this research is to find ways to exploit this configuration of the jump in future hydraulic designs. The present study is based on the experimental analysis of the hydraulic jump characteristics controlled by a thin sill evolving in a compound rectangular channel. This type of jump has been widely studied, and the current work focuses on the classical hydraulic jump.
Therefore, through this experimental contribution, the sill effect on the jump characteristics was analyzed. Moving the sill upstream caused jump compactness, defined by the length of the classical roller ratio and the geometric position of the sill. This phase of the flow leads to several jump configurations.
To achieve this objective, two cases were presented. In the first case, the flow takes place at the level of the minor bed of the channel with low Froude numbers. In the second case, the jump was formed at the level of the major bed where the Froude numbers are high. The jump compactness ratio was calculated in dimensionless terms as a function of the Froude number and the jump surface profile.
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