Designing and maintaining open channels as well as studying nonuniform flow crucially depend on normal depth. In practical applications, the vaulted rectangular cross-section is widely applied. However, the form of the relationship determining the normal depth is implicit for this type of cross-section. Currently, trial and error procedures, the process of successively improving fitting, and regression-based fitting or the method of fitting curves are used to compute the normal depth for this type of channel. In this research, it is suggested to employ the rough model method (RMM) to estimate the normal depth in a vault-shaped rectangular cross-section. In this approach, knowing the Chezy or Manning coefficient will not be required in the process computation of normal depth in this conduit. However, it only needs measurable parameters, in particular, the impact of the absolute roughness. Based on well-known referential rough model properties, the RMM evaluates the normal depth using a dimensionless correction factor. The relationship that governs flow in the rough model allows for an explicit calculation of the normal depth in this kind of conduit. Calculation examples are given to illustrate how easy the calculation process is.
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