The objective of this study is to examine the rainfall-runoff relationship in the Wadi Mekerra watershed located in northwest Algeria, in order to propose effective solutions for flood protection. The methodology is based on the processing of meteorological and physical data in the geographical environment and on the extraction of data using remote sensing techniques (Landsat satellite imagery) and GIS. Using this database, we were able to develop a hydrological flood model for Mekerra watershed using the hydrological modeling software HEC-HMS. In this study the frequency storm was used for the meteorological model, the SCS curve numbers was used to determine the hydrological losses of the study area and the SCS unit hydrograph method have been applied to simulate the runoff rate. After calibration and validation, the simulated peak discharges were very close with observed values. The Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient was 0.869, indicates that the hydrological modeling results are satisfactory and accepted for simulation of rainfall-runoff.
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