B Remini, B Achour


This paper describes for the first time the foggaras that were operating in the oasis of the Ahaggar over seven centuries. The study shows the absence of data on this heritage. If the foggaras of Tuat and Gourara have been several publications, those of Ahaggar have been completely forgotten. To the number of 184 foggaras inventoried in 1956, the foggaras of Ahaggar are short lengths (up to 5 km) and exploit the waters of inferoflux tablecloth. With a maximum rate of 5L/s, the distribution of water shares between co-owners of standard schedule. That is to say, the irrigation is done by turns, it is series irrigation. Today hydraulic heritage has completely disappeared, there are very few writings.


Foggara, Ahaggar, Heritage, Oasis, Irrigation

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