Waterborne pathogens from poor sanitation are the main cause of drinking water problems facing humanity in the 21st century, leading to infections and diarrhea. This results in over half a million deaths annually, with most of them occurring in developing countries such as Indonesia. Due to the lack of access to centralized water treatment facilities, point-of-use (POU) systems have been suggested as an important solution for water treatment in developing communities. These systems are user-friendly, low-cost, low-maintenance, and do not depend on the power grid. Importantly, they treat and reduce the number of pathogens in the water supply, and many POU systems have been implemented and used by communities on a household scale. However, the POU system has limitations that hinder its implementation in Indonesia. To examine and evaluate the technology implemented in POU systems, this review focuses on systems that can serve households or communities. The advantages, disadvantages, and limitations of technology that have existed in the last decade are explained. By taking the case of Indonesia, it is hoped that this review can provide an evaluation and illustration of its application in similar developing countries. Another affordable technological solution suggested that could benefit people relying on unsafe water sources.
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