The aim of this work is to use activated carbon derived from orange peel to remove methylene blue from water. The adsorption of this dye was carried out in batch mode and the analysis of the methylene blue solution samples was carried out on a Shimadzu UV-visible spectrometer. The mass of carbon, the initial concentration of the dye solution, as well as kinetic models, isotherm models and thermodynamic studies were studied. Analysis of the adsorption data showed that the optimum dose of activated carbon was 300 mg/L for an 90.84 % adsorption rate. The concentrations used to study the influence of concentration proved to be too low to achieve saturation of the adsorbent. Modelling of the kinetics showed that the methylene blue adsorption kinetics followed the pseudo-first-order kinetic model. Isotherm modelling revealed that methylene blue adsorption follows the Freundlich-Langmuir model. The values of the thermodynamic parameters show a spontaneous and exothermic phenomenon.
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