This article has two parts. It reveals some secrets hidden behind this ancestral hydro-agricultural development which has been operating for more than 30 centuries. During the period 1992-2024, several missions were carried out in the foggaras oases. Investigations and surveys were carried out among the owners of the foggaras and the Ksourian population. The first results obtained show that the know-how acquired on foggaras is immense. For the first time, new notions about foggaras have been introduced into the technical bibliography. In this first part, we established two types of foggaras: volumetric and hourly. The volumetric foggara is found only in Algeria and was dug in the oases of Gourara, Touat and Tidikelt which take the shape of a crescent. Approximately 80% of the total number, the volumetric foggara of exceptional ingenuity allows the gardens to be irrigated in parallel, it is equipped with a network of triangular seguias. As for the hourly foggara, it is less present on Algerian soil, the hourly foggara contains a network of branched seguias and makes it possible to irrigate the gardens in series, i.e. in turn. The majority of these foggaras are located in the Saoura valley. Part 1 of this paper demonstrates the originality of the Algerian foggara which is different from other foggaras in the 52 countries of the planet.
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