The paper analyzes some possibilities of using water in the economy of Montenegro. In the introductory part of the paper includes a review of water as one of the most important natural resources in the world and Montenegro. He then discusses the importance of geothermal source energy. Currently in Montenegro, there are several buildings with the use of GSHP systems. Montenegro has significant hydropower potential, which is utilized with only 17%. Besides the two existing hydropower on the river Zeta - Perućica and river Piva - Piva, the potential for the construction conventional hydropower have the river Morača, Komarnica, Lim, Ćehotina and Tara. Currently in Montenegro there are 7 small are hydropower the electric power system with the license manufacturers. Technical exploiting the energy potential of renewable energy sources in Montenegro is a very important and reflected in the possibility utilization of wind energy, solar radiation and biomass. Sustainable development of maritime transport in Montenegro implies simultaneously enabling economic development, social welfare and environmental protection. However, apart from Italy, Montenegro by sea is not associated with any other country. According to data of the Statistical Office of Montenegro (2014) in the port of Bar in 2013 with 220 ships was unloaded 621.300 tons of cargo, to overhaul the port Bijela came to 87 ships, have entered 409 cruise ships by transporting 314.961 passengers. Great potential for development of nautical tourism and the promotion of Montenegro as a tourist destination has Porto Montenegro, a port that is a combination of spectacular destinations, marinas and services of the highest international standards.
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