This study characterizes the waters of the watershed Loémé by field and laboratory methods. The physico-chemical components were measured in situ and chemical analysis in the laboratory. Chemical analyzes referred hydrochemical and statistical methods. The parameters of the water balance were used in assessing the power of the web. The curves of changing groundwater levels show two trends: the charging and discharging of the web. The spatial distribution of major ions in this watershed shows peaks at the ends and center. It appears that the waters of this area are characterized by low levels of ions, the testimony of the power of the surface water table and the contribution of different geological formations through. Mineralization of water is governed primarily by flow phenomena of dissolution and precipitation of minerals such as: calcite, gypsum... The principal component analysis indicated that variables controlling salinity water (ions major) represent the axis of mineralization. The Piper diagram shows three groups of water: Chloride calcium and magnesium sulphates; Chloride (nitrated) sodium and potassium or sodium sulphates; calcium and magnesium bicarbonates.
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