The use of peat mixed with methacompost of poultry (MCA) with or without incorporation of forestry raw compost (CSB) in the culture substrates has been developed a soilless gardening experiment while using the fertigation at Juice Process Poultry (JPA) diluted 1/150 depending on the report. Growth and wilting tomato plants were, among others, statements.
The main results obtained show a favorable germination of tomato seeds leading to almost 100% on mixtures Peat + MCA, growth in the higher height recorded for MCA 10% and inserting a suitable improvement in growth in height mixing plants following the application of diluted JPA (1/150). The partial incorporation of MCA with / without CBS at 10% (SB and SA) allowed to grant quality seedlings eligible and higher than that of SC plants installed on growth (80% + 20% peat MCA) and SC' (60% peat + 20% + 20% MCA CSB) which are far from acceptable in comparison to the imported substrate (peat). The substrate SA (80% peat + 10% + 10% CSB MCA) recorded growth in the largest diameter.
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