
This study concerns the diagnosis of the field operation of winder of irrigation used in the delegation of Bou Salem, governorate of Jendouba (Tunisia) and the assessment of the quality of watering carried out. It includes an assessment of rainfall distribution and uniformity testing. The tests carried out affected a range of prevailing wind speeds of 1 to 8 m/s and a pressure range of 1.5 to 2.5 bar.

The operating balance revealed that winder of irrigation provides a fairly good rainfall distribution, which is linked, on the one hand, to the regularity of its speed of advance and, on the other hand, to the performance of the cannon of watering. The results also revealed the sensitivity of this system to strong winds, whose speed exceeds 4 m/s (uniformity coefficient of 74% at a wind speed of 4.1 m / s compared to 84% at 1.6 m/s), and the insensitivity of the coefficient of uniformity (deviation of 4%) to the change in operating pressure in the range 1.5 to 2 bar.

Necessarily, the subsequent use of such a mechanized sprinkler system is an interesting solution, given its good efficiency. However, irrigation should be stopped if the wind changes to more than 5 m/s.


Mechanized spraying, Coil machine for irrigation, Pluviometric distribution, Winding speed, Coefficient of uniformity

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