Water is one of the main elements that significantly affect the different growth phases of plants. Irrigation is usually facilitated by a watering system that should be kept in good working order. The main objective of the investigation is to diagnose the spraying fertigation network adopted within the Chott Mariem Modern Forest Nursery (PFM) (Delegation of Akouda, Sousse governorate, Tunisia) and to appreciate experimentally the watering quality of the plants produced.
The study included a visual diagnosis to identify potential anomalies, sprinkler flow control and a uniformity test for water distribution in different areas of the growing area. This work also affected the partial resizing of the hydraulic network.
In the light of this diagnostic study and the acquired results, it was possible to note some anomalies of clogging and sprinkler manufacture in certain growing areas (Flow rates recorded between 241.5 and 285.0 l/h). On the other hand, it was possible to observe a good uniformity of watering translated by good coefficients of uniformity varying between 86.0 and 89.3% at the level of the considered zones. In spite of such satisfactory results, other anomalies were noted, notably the clogging of the filters and the considerable drop in sprinkler flow rates when watering two zones simultaneously with a drop in the sprinkler range and the formation of droplets. Coarse water, which is unfavorable, in terms of watering quality. Such a situation requires the strict application of the watering of a single growing area per irrigation tower, by means of the use of a functional watering controller.
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