In a world where natural resources management including water resources becomes a problem, it is necessary to establish rational water management tools. In this perspective, hydrological modeling appears as a tool for better management of water resources especially in basins like the Marahoué where water requirements for various uses are increasingly growing. The aim of this study is to analyze the sensitivity of the hydrological model GR2M the rain-ETP inputs estimated by different approaches. To do this, after the comparative analysis of methods for estimating rain and ETP, the sensitivity of the model was evaluated using 9 combinations (3 ETP x 3 rain). The analysis of estimation methods of ETP shows that the approach to Blaney overestimates the values compared with those of Penman and Thornwaithe. As for the estimation of the average rainfall in the catchment area, the approaches used have almost identical variations. The best performance of the model calibration and validation are obtained with the torque data estimated by the inverse-Blaney approach.
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