
The objective of the study is to improve the removal of refractory organic compounds during coagulation-flocculation in the presence of coagulant alone and then in combination with activated carbon powder. The Jar-Test was performed in the laboratory on aromatic organic compounds (salicylic acid, paracetamol) dissolved in distilled water. The purpose of the tests was to evaluate the removal efficiencies of organic compounds for variable doses of reagents and pH.

The interactions of organic compounds in the presence of the coagulant combined with the activated carbon would be surface mechanisms (physical adsorption, ligand exchange or complexation on the surface of flocs of aluminum hydroxide or activated carbon). The results obtained indicate that activated carbon powder has a significant impact on the improvement of the elimination efficiencies of paracetamol and salicylic acid, especially at a pH close to neutrality.


Aluminium sulphate ; activated carbon powder ; refractory aromatic compounds ; jar test ; mechanisms.

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