
Water, sanitation and hygiene are rights for all, regardless of the country. In developing countries, people are denied rights. This has resulted in poverty, illness and death, especially among children. In line with the Millenium Development Goals (MDGs), United Nations Development Program responded to one of the challenges by engaging in water governance programs for poverty reduction in Africa. This article aims to highlight the water-related challenges facing the countries of the world, Africa and Senegal. To achieve this, the methodology was based on the analysis of the effects of lack of water on women and children, including effects including illness, death, loss of money on drugs, lost time to obtain water, educational effects and other social and economic effects. The issues of water, sanitation and poverty were also analyzed and the results show that most of the MDGs in developing countries had made only substantial progress. Today, the recommendations from the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) focus on ensuring access to water and sanitation for all and ensuring Integrated Water Resources Management.


water, sanitation, poverty, mutation, Senegal

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