
The complexity of the region of El Oued Souf characterized by its form of a bowl and the lack of an outlet, pushed agricultures invented a clean hydro-agricultural development in the region called Ghout. Without irrigation network, a crater in the dunes that allows grow palm whose roots are in permanent contact of water from the water table. On the basis of the investigations and investigations carried out in the oases of Souf during the period: 1998-2018, Ghout is of Souf origin is the only hydro-agricultural development that adapts in a closed ecosystem. However, the transition to an open ecosystem by providing deep drilling and spread over 30000 Pivots in the last 50 years have caused an imbalance in the ecosystem and abundant over 6000 Ghout.This paper describes the evolution of Ghout in the Souf Valley from "birth" to abandonment (death).


Ghout, Pivot, Water, Palm, Souf.

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