The results of a study of the working conditions of downstream culverts of nature protection hydroelectric facilities and reclamation systems with a fairly deep but short stilling basin when various types of flow energy absorbers are installed on it are discussed in this article. The research aimed to analyze the change in the parameters of the hydrodynamic impact of the flow on individual elements of the downstream bracing to justify the optimal dimensions of the absorber, obtain the greatest effect of damping the excess energy of the flow and improve the work of the downstream with a uniform and uneven distribution of specific flow discharge, entering the basin.
As a result of an increase in the mixing length in the stilling basin and an increase in the disintegration of the jet into individual vortices behind the studied absorber, with an increase in flooding, the values of the pressure and velocity standards in the initial sections decrease, and the pulsation attenuation region decreases by approximately 1.5 times.
After entering the calculation complex, the resulting distribution fields of the averaged and pulsating pressure components across the whole interface section make it possible to evaluate the dynamic load on the bracing elements of the bottom of the basin and the discharge channel, as well as their stability.
It is proposed to make the main part of the combined damper and the apron for a length of at least three depths of the quencher from monolithic reinforced concrete and to strengthen the rest with prefabricated slabs. As a result, it is possible to reduce the cost of arranging the interface section by approximately 24% while increasing the reliability of the operation of the outlet channels and the safety of spillways of environmental systems.
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