Water shortage is one of the most important challenges as the water demand increases with the growth of the population. To fulfil the demand a water-efficient water distribution network must be needed. The design of a water distribution network is an important task for designers in that the network should be sufficient to provide adequate water with minimum pressure, velocity and flow. The 24x7 water supply is delivered continuous water services 24 hr a day, every day of the year to the consumers. In this study, WaterGEMS software is used to analyze the existing water distribution network. WaterGEMS is a software programme for designing and analyzing water-supply networks, such as observing and recording the pressure heads at each node, the flow, the velocity in each pipe, the hydraulic gradient, etc. All these hydraulic parameters are analyzed by using WaterGEMS software. It was found that the flow in the network is adequate to provide a sufficient amount of water.
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