Seepage conditions must be monitored regularly in embankment dams due to their vulnerability to seepage failure. The assessment of the seepage process can be performed by interpreting the data obtained from the monitoring works of seepage instrumentation. This study aims to assess the hydraulic behavior of embankment dams, represented by seepage conditions, in the Sindang Heula Dam, which is located in Serang Regency, Banten Province, Indonesia. Piezometer and V-notch monitoring data are interpreted through several analyses. The results show that the seepage monitoring instrumentation at the Sindang Heula Dam functions well according to its response to the reservoir water level. Moreover, evaluation of seepage is performed using seepage acceptance criteria and seepage index (QI) values. According to the calculation, seepage discharges occurring in the dam range from 1.28 l/min/m to 2.05 l/min/m, which are greater values than the requirement of 0.28 l/min/m. Meanwhile, the value of the seepage index (QI) was in the range of 0.1-1 (no QI >1), concluding that no excessive seepage occurred.
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