The region of Sikasso in southern Mali has a large potential for bottomland, the working rate of which is very low except in the wet season. Their enhancement as a strategy to reduce the dependency of the agricultural sector on climatic instability will allow us to reinforce the food self-sufficiency of the rural world of this locality. However, to make the choice of the type of water mobilization infrastructure and an adequate management plan for a bottomland, it is necessary to accomplish technical studies. It is in this context that this research was conducted, the objective of which is to contribute to the technical study of the development of the Sadiola bottomland by offering a type of layout and a plan of management for its efficient working. The Quick Diagnosis of Pre-Development (QDPD) procedure was applied based on soil, topographic and hydrological data. The type of adequate infrastructure selected is “Contour bunds with flood discharge structure”. Finally, the plan of management was drawn up thanks to the analyses of the satellite pictures of the occupation of the bottomland and of the cultural aptitude of different types of soil that compose this studied bottomland.
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