
The majority of dams worldwide are confronted with the problem of water leaks through banks and foundations. The study of this phenomenon turns out of a very big importance, because he can put in danger the stability of the dam and reduce his useful capacity. It is the case in particular Algerian dams, especially those who are implanted in dry zone where the water resource becomes increasingly scarce. In this context, we saw useful to throw an in-depth study handling this thorny problem, where from we confirmed well that several dams are concerned by the problem of water leaks, among which fifteen of them are seriously threatened because the flow lost through their banks and their foundations is considerable exceeding a million of m3 a year. Among these dams, we also noticed that six present a flow of loss upper to five millions of m 3 a year each. For that purpose, we are going to present in this study the Algerian Dams the most threatened by this phenomenon.


Dams of the world - Dams of Algeria – Water Leaks- Dry Zones

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